Usually graduated high school seniors go out and celebrate after graduation is over. Most of them go out with family and have an amazing time, some just hangout down the shore with friends partying. Teenagers like to celebrate by drinking and doing drugs. In extreme cases, teens end up dying several hours later from drunk driving or overdose. Over 300 teens die drinking and driving every year, that is why the board of educations invented Project Graduation. Project Graduation is to prevent teens for going out the night of graduation and spend a whole still having fun but with super vision. They want the kids to be safe and still have an amazing night being safe and going home and not worrying parents where they might be.
One-third of teens who died from car accidents, died during graduation season and 40% admit they drink alcohol during the drive, on graduation night. People do not realize that during prom seasons teens also act up so shouldn’t there be “Project Prom?” Project Prom would have also been a great idea to start to keep teens safe after prom. 54% of students drink more than 4 drinks during the night of prom. Some teens even drink before graduation and prom even start.
Prom is another reason for teens to party and let it go all night long so many teens waste their prom weekend drinking and taking drugs to the point where sexual assault and death occur. Peer pressure is a big thing at the night of these parties. 75% percent of teens are pressured into drinking alcohol while 49% are pressured to take drugs. People believe we should have “Project Prom” to keep kids safe and preventing death. Every year so many teens are harmed while under the influence.
Parents want their kids to come home safe because we will never know when we will have to say goodbye. This world is not safe and all a parent wants is to see their kids okay and living. No parent would wants to lose their kid at such a young age. There should be both “Project Prom” and Project Graduation to stop from loss of teens every year and it should be mandatory to go.